Newbies start here 26.06.2010

Boat Holidays - Guide for Beginners

Because you never know ...
you say you found and what to do to get a pilot license for cruisers. Depending on the cleverness and shrewdness will understand how much the trainer courses are ready to proceed in the examination. Calculate about 5 me10 which cost from 40 - 60 euros depending on the instructor. Addition of a port authority can buy the book from which you will study the theory on the rules of the sea which costs 17.64 Euro. When you're ready and then the two in Port exam in which you deposit your papers and will give written and practical exam in front of the committee of the Coast Guard. To find a teacher, or go to a driving school that can have high speed and teacher, or get online and click on the search engine, "speedboat courses." Supporting pilot license acquisition Prepare alongside the courses and the necessary documentation is : Three (3) passport photos One (1) a certified photocopy of driver's license A (1) photocopy of Identity (police) certified One (1) An official declaration from the Port Authority two (2) Fees of 3 ? (total of 6 ?) and then set the test date. On exam day you will pay another 50 euros. The date and time specified for participation in the examination within 18 working days from the date of filing and registration of the application. In case of failure he may submit a new application the next day. If delayed it a little folding ... If you are over the age of 65, you are required to provide supporting medical certificates and not just a copy of the license to drive a vehicle as is done with smaller ages. Much of what you will study for exam speedboat will not soon forget but we should never forget that these are important for a board operator. 1. not handle high speed (T / W) boat when you consume alcohol. Alcohol reduces our judgment and ability to control. 2. eliktikes Familiarize yourself with the properties of the T / H board and you learn to handle it safely and responsibly both for yourself and for others, swimmers and non-active the sea. 3. Consult the manufacturer's manual, especially in matters concerning the maintenance and proper operation of the engine T / W boat. Carry a tool kit with the basics, spare spark plugs (spark plugs) and the manufacturer's instructions in a waterproof case. 4. Avoid dangerous maneuvers, especially when sailing close to shore or swimmers or other vessels. 5. Make sure you have adequate fuel for the journey you and extra fuel for emergency cases. Failure to supply the necessary craft, to perform the voyage, fuel quantity is penalized. 6. Check before you travel with your boat, you have: a) The Permit to Operate, speedboat operator capacity and fishing (boat and personal / s) when you go fishing. The permits must epideiktyontai whenever the Port institutions. b) The amounts earmarked for the category of supplies (rescue, fire fighting equipment, etc.) that should be in place and offer for immediate use. 7. NOT sail, no circulation: a ) Located less than one hundred (100) meters from the outer part of floating buoys which indicate the limits up to which usually arrive in the swimmers swimming baths. b) In less than two hundred (200) meters from the usual point at which reach the swimmers swimming in the sea areas that are not marked with floating buoys. c) In any case faster than five (5) nodes (node ??is the unit of speed equal to one miles traveled, ie 1852m per hour) at less than two hundred (200) meters from the shoreline in areas where there are swimmers. 8. Notify your friendly face on the estimated time of return. 9. It is important to know how you should react in case of accident risk. 10. Do not allow occupants to stand upright or on the tubes. 11. Do not allow the embarkation of persons under the influence of alcohol. 12. Do not be permitted to board the T / X your boat more persons than what is provided for a Permit to Operate. 13. Before you leave let the occupants are able to rescue and fire fighting equipment and show them the way they operate and use. 14. It is useful for children to wear throughout the duration of the voyage of their life. 15. Do not let the T / X board your secluded and remote beaches or coves. Anchor it in a safe and supervised anchorage. 16. Always seek information from the Port Authority or a valid website on weather situation, the direction and intensity of the wind. 17. Do not sail during the night without navigation lights. 18. If an accident is guilty against another vessel or person must remain at the scene to provide all possible assistance to the victims and report the accident to the competent Port Authority at the earliest.

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